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- Image of the Day -


"Sunlight and Shadows in Provence"


  Feature Artist Bio

George Kiapos - Sunlight and Shadows in Provence

George_Kiapos - Wooded Path in Venice

George Kiapos - Clémentine's Corner

George Kiapos - Clémentine's Corner

George Kiapos‎ - Arched Path, Forêt de Retz, France

George Kiapos - Chair on the Patio

George Kiapos - Chair on the Patio

George Kiapos - Broken Fence

George Kiapos - Broken Fence

George Kiapos - Missing Altura

George Kiapos - Missing Altura

George Kiapos‎ - Sun Filtered Path

George Kiapos‎ - Sun Filtered Path

George Kiapos - Wood's Cove

George Kiapos - Wood's Cove

George Kiapos‎ - Manon's River

George Kiapos‎ - Manon's River

George Kiapos - River in Autumn

George Kiapos - River in Autumn

George Kiapos - Summer Wind

George Kiapos - Summer Wind


                                                               ARTIST'S OFFICIAL BIO                                                                                                                                                       



George Kiapos's



By permission of the artist, The Cyber Art Show is pleased to feature the second of two 12-piece exhibitions of works by American 

landscape painter George Kiapos (born 1957 in Los Angeles, California). 

George Kiapos is a contemporary American Impressionist Artist.  A Los Angeles native, he began oil painting at the age of six. Exploring art as a self-taught passion, he eventually became trained in architecture, initially pursuing a professional career in design and building. Deciding to take a leap of faith, he moved to the South of France and chased his lifelong passion for painting.  He and his wife had decided to open their own boutique gallery in the artist village of St. Paul de Vence.  This village was where Marc Chagall had lived and devoted his life to creating his expressionist legacies. George's work sold among renowned local artists -- including Christian Choisy, Adrien Moroni, and Frank Turc -- which earned him appeal among an international European community.


Shortly having returned back to Los Angeles, George was invited to exhibit at several acclaimed exhibits, including both World Of Art Showcase events in 2012 and 2013.  Among the internationally-renowned artists showing at these prestigious events were H.R. Giger, Vladimir Kush, Nelson Shanks, Max Ginsburg, Steve Hanks, Daniel Green, Cesar Santos, Leon Oks, James Van Fossan, Tony Pro, and Wolfgang Widmoser.

George's current work is  featured in ongoing exhibits, in addition to commissioned pieces. He has been featured as an artist in Los Angeles magazines, and currently shows  selected pieces at Robertson DX, Beverly Hills, California.  

   Gallery #512B  

        May 20, 2017

Twelve Pieces by Contemporary Artist

                     George Kiapos (Born 1957)

                       ARTIST'S STATEMENT

“There is a well of creativity that resides as energy within the Universe. This well provides for every creative endeavor. It exists with inexhaustible abundance, and remains available to all who choose to tap it. Once tapped by the artist, creativity is expressed from a unique and individual perspective. The artist becomes entitled to share in this creative grace from which he or she emulates the ultimate creative will within ourselves. This puts the artist in communion with all of creativity. 


I believe it is the purpose of the artist to reach out and share one's visions with others. By the very nature of giving, we receive. The very act of creating art is both honoring and giving back to creation from which appreciation of the work is the reward.”  


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