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- Image of the Day -


"Broken Dreams"


  Feature Artist Bio

Roy Tibbits - Broken Dreams

Roy Tibbits - Broken Dreams

Roy Tibbits - On The Beach

Roy Tibbits - On The Beach

Roy Tibbits - Montreal Train in at McAdam

Roy Tibbits - Montreal Train in at McAdam

Roy Tibbits - Grand Harbour Light

Roy Tibbits - Grand Harbour Light

Roy Tibbits - Ford

Roy Tibbits - Ford

Roy Tibbits - Blackies Barn

Roy Tibbits - Blackies Barn

Roy Tibbits - Arriving From Saint John

Roy Tibbits - Arriving From Saint John

Roy Tibbits - Bath Station

Roy Tibbits - Bath Station

Roy Tibbits - Genteel Poverty

Roy Tibbits - Genteel Poverty

Roy Tibbits - The Wood Cutters

Roy Tibbits - The Wood Cutters

Roy Tibbits - Winter of '53

Roy Tibbits - Winter of '53

Roy Tibbits - Christmas Mail

Roy Tibbits - Christmas Mail


                                                               ARTIST'S OFFICIAL BIO                                                                                                                                                      


Roy Tibbits's



By permission of the artist, The Cyber Art Show is pleased to feature the first of two 12-piece exhibitions of works by Canadian 

landscape painter Roy Tibbits (born 1949 in Brunswick, Canada). 

Self-taught watercolor artist Roy Tibbits began painting in 1990 and is an active Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists.   


Roy's art has been selected in a number of juried shows at their gallery in Vancouver B.C.

Roy's paintings were featured in the March/April 2004 and March /April 2007 Issues of "Art Avenue"a Federation Of Canadian Artists publication.

Roy has had his work selected into the Thompson Nicola Shuswap juried show for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.

Roy's work has been frequently selected  as a finalist in the "Art of the Automobile" competition, sponsored by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada,with works traveling to various cities.

Roy is an associate member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor. In 2006,three of his paintings were submitted to the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor Atlantic associates  juried show where one received "Best Building Category" and the other two received "Honourable Mention."


In 2015 Roy's work was selected to the 90th Open Water International juried show. In 2016, Roy's work was selected to the 91st Open Water International juried show, with "Old Comrades" winning the S J Sloan Award.

In 2015 two of Roy's works were accepted into the  Society of Canadian Artists 47th national juried show at the Gainesborough Gallery in Calgary, Alberta.

In 2016 Roy was elected in to the Society Of Canadian Artists.

In 2017 one of Roy's paintings was accepted in the Society of Canadian Artists juried show "Oh Canada-Our Home and Native Land" at Gallery 78  in Frederiction, New Brunswick

    Gallery #514   

         May 24, 2017

Twelve Pieces by Contemporary Artist

                     Roy Tibbits (Born 1949)

                       ARTIST'S STATEMENT



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